

Pro Chat: Laura Hadar

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Almost exactly two years after her Cooler cover, we caught up with the “wild child of snowboarding” again to see what’s changed since then…

Interview by Anna Langer

Hey Laura, it’s been a while since your cover interview with us – what have you been up to since then?
Shoot! Not too much. I got a garden, a boyfriend, a new roommate. Went to Hawaii for my first time. Drove to Baja, went on a couple of backpack trips and went to Alaska and Heli boarded for my first time.

You’ve moved a bit away from urban riding and more towards freeriding and big mountain stuff, how did this transition come about?
Yeah it is true. Just something new I suppose. I’ve been snowboarding for so long it seemed like a natural transition.

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It seems like more and more girls are getting into jibbing, why do you think that is?
Yeah I would defiantly say so. Its really inspiring to see all of them get after it and push where women’s snowboarding is at. Obviously especially Jess Kimura. She kills it so hard, I think she’s really changing where women’s urban riding level is at.

Coming from the mountains myself, I’ve always wondered about the attraction of urban snowboardings. Can you explain that…?
I think part of the attraction for me was the skate influence of it. I really enjoy skateboarding, but I’ve always been better at snowboarding. So it’s kind of like a cheat cheat way to be in the streets, without having to be good at skateboarding. Also, you don’t have to drive to the mountain or necessary get up early. Every young bohemian can appreciate that.

Photo by Tim Zimmerman

You’ve been know as “wild child of snowboarding” for a while and it seems like you’ve inspired quite some other girl riders to follow your footsteps, smashing gnarly rails and partying hard. Do you see it like that too? 
Umm… Yeah maybe a bit. I always was a strong proponent of the FIA lifestyle for sure. I just thought that it was being hidden a bit and I wanted to glorify it, not blur it from the public. Now I see these young girls getting all wild and crazy, and I think they are crazy. I think it’s just the difference of being young and thinking you are invincible and not giving a freak about anything, and growing older and realizing it’s nice to be healthy, mellow. Maybe realizing you are in fact not invincible and maybe you are getting wrinkles.

You also have your own shop FICE in Salt Lake City, so you must be in to fashion too in a way…?
Yes and no. I think fashion is an extreme burden on people. Buying into consumerism and the need to look good, or in fashion, when there are so many other important issues we as a young generation should be concerned about. Also I like good style, so what can you do? I dunno, find balance. Don’t let it run your life.

How do the two (the badass street jibber and the clothes-lover) fit together?
I try to make sure I feel good when I hit the streets. It’s probably one of my favorite things about street riding. You have a huge advantage to wearing more street style kits, than on the mountain.

In your last interview, you talked about the “pressure to look good” and being judged by the looks – do you think that part is getting even stronger as female snowboarding is progressing further?
I dunno. I’m sure it has. I feel like, the further I get from the scene the further I have any idea of what is going on. That is the nice thing about riding the mountains more. It’s so far removed from everything else in snowboarding, your view of the whole scene changes.

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Maybe the increase in urban riding and “bad ass attitude” like Peepshow showed, are taking a bit away from that?
All the ladies in Peepshow are total babes, so I’m not sure they would ever even have to worry about pressure like that.

You’re part in Capita’s Defenders of Awesome was pretty badass – can we expect something similar for this season?
Unfortunately not. I filmed only a little bit with handful of people this last winter. Really I just took the season to kind of find my landing feet in the big mountain world. Learn some techniques and focus on progressing. There is a bit of footage that will be out online somewhere so keep your eyes open for something online.

We read a lot about your Fried Rats project – but didn’t quite get the hang of it… What’s it all about?
Fried Ratz is a open door collective of artists, snowboarders, skateboarders, musicans, etc. who’s goal is to work together to share talents and support ambitions. We have made a couple zines, and a few web edits. And are hoping to keep the passion alive through analogue techniques. If you are intertested in becoming a member you can email your physical mailing address to [email protected] and we will establish contact.

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What other plans do you have for the upcoming season?
Snowboard. Maybe live in a camper and follow the snow. Maybe do some big mountain contests. Maybe do a boardercross contest. Film a video part and have fun, learn some tricks. Make some zines, and write lots of letters.

Anything else you’d like to get off your chest?
Just want to say thanks to Poppy and Kassia Meador for the last interview. Thank you for this interview. I hope all the girls are excited to go out in the cold this winter and get some bruises, learn some tricks and have an awesome time doing it. Thanks also Nike, Capita, Coal, Sabre, Poler and Milo sport for keeping the love alive.

Thanks Laura!

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