I like to think I’m a relatively healthy person, but my number one weakness is chocolate. I just can’t get enough of the stuff.
When my boyfriend leaves a half open chocolate bar in the kitchen for days, I just can’t fathom how he keeps his paws off it.
Chocolate is obviously fine in moderation, but what if it could actually be healthy?
Ohso Good Chocolate (great name) have made mini probiotic Belgian chocolate bars for us to snack on. It comes in regular plain flavour, raspberry, orange, and lemon.
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You’ve probably heard of probiotic yoghurt – that brings extra “good” bacteria in to the body.
These chocolate bars contain billions of bacteria that’s released into the stomach slowly and more effectively that yoghurt. And they taste really good.
Let’s be honest, it’s probably not good for you if you scoff seven bars on the trot. But we like these little mini-sized bars to give you that chocolate (and probiotic) hit halfway through the day.
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Want to buy some yourself? They are available at Harvey Nichols, on Ocado and various independent shops around the country – or you can buy a pack of 7 mini bars on their website for £3.99.