Happy girlie campers enjoying the lunch break overlooking the big park
Having overcome our hangovers we collected all our remaining powers for a proper finish to an amazing week of camping.
While the sun kept on blazing down on us, we already got a little sunshine added into our group when K2 rider Julia Baumgartner joined us on Thursday. With her standing by the kicker, giving tips and shouting encouraging comments, it was even easier to apply the stuff we had already learnt during the beginning of the week. But of course with all the energy that’s packed into that cute little figure, she didn’t only stand around but also showed us how it’s really done. So following the exact moves of her and coach Miriam, almost all girls stuck the tricks they were aiming for on the penultimate day.
Not even swollen knees, bruises or infected blisters from new boots could stop any of the girls hiking the kicker again and again – and again. Forget girly whining, chicks are freaking hardcore these days! Unfortunately hardcore was also what was going on in the Riders Palace on the last two nights: mega techno party in the lobby right next to our floor! Of course snow girls like to party hard too – but not if you only got one last day on the mountain together left. So instead we postponed the party to Saturday night – at least for those who were still able to move their legs after a week of full on shredding and could still keep their eyes open after the involuntary indirect partying of the previous night.
With a weird mix of sadness and stoke we all met again for a finally and for the first time in this week chilled out breakfast and after lots of kisses and exchanging facebook contacts one girl after the other made her way home – to the Netherlands, other parts of Switzerland, Finland, Austria and even Australia (although with a couple of stopovers first…).
I honestly can’t say which muscles I utilized more during this week – my legs or my abs from laughing so hard I was crying sometimes, but one thing is for sure: it was absolute radness!!
See you somewhere on the mountain girls, and keep on shredding!
Thanks to Miriam and Leena for their amazing coaching and infinite sense of humour, thanks to Marika and K2 for inviting me and thanks to all the girls for all the happy days!