Surfers don’t just date surfers. The same goes for snowboarders, climbers, runners – you name it.
Maybe you’re a surfer and your boo is a snowboarder? Or they’ve never touched a mountain bike before you and it’s what you live for?
Before you embark on a new relationship with someone outside your usual crowd, read this… It might already sound familiar.
The Surfer

Surfers will always gravitate to water. Which is no bad thing, if you’re a lover of watersports.
If they’re not at the beach, they will often be found with a guitar and cider in hand – or subtly boasting about the gnarly waves they caught on their winter trip to Indo.
Catch them during a flat spell? Be warned – they may be a little touchier than normal.
They’ll have a great tan and an awesome toned upper body. You’ll spend a hell of a lot of time at the beach.
They will always be clattering around at 5am as they head out for a dawnie. If the tides are right, your date night won’t take priority