Lately everyone and their grandma’s seems to be doing yoga and as a fully confessed stretching and breathing junkies I can assure you – there is reason for it! And not simply A reason but aplenty, from health improvement, to enhanced body performance, to a clearer, calmer mind.
When I started making a pretzel out of my body 8 years ago, there wasn’t even half of the flood of yoga styles, schools, and marketing wonders out there (and that’s our Alpine metropolis of Munich) so I’m very well aware that the myriad of offers and the rather sudden rush of attention in the last couple years does sprout some anxiousness about what the mumbo-jumbo is all about.
The only way to know is to find out for yourself and if you fancy giving it try, why not start right in the middle of it all and head to a yoga conference, tradeshow or other sort of get together?
Yoga events are designed to give newbies an introduction to the idea of yoga itself as well as various different styles, concepts and schools
Yes, there is the danger of being completely overwhelmed and running straight back out after stepping your pinky toe into the new age pond, but if you’re just a little curious (and brave) you have a whole universe to discover laid out right in front of you.
Especially “tradeshows” as the Yoga Expo in Munich, which was held for the second time this year and will travel on to Stuttgart in Spring, are designed to give newbies an introduction to the idea of yoga itself as well as various different styles, concepts and schools. For this they invite renowned master teachers (for which you’d normally have to travel around half the world to practice with them) to present different schools and styles of teaching (like Ron Steiner of the Ashtanga lineage, Patrick Broom from Jivamukti Yoga or Prana Flow with Christine May), organise interesting speeches and workshop to everything from meditation to healthy living and inspiring lifestyle choices (such as using wild herbs from the meadows to enhance your nutrition!). And loads and loads of brands, studios, etc presenting themselves.
Just ignore the super spiritual gurus and spaced-out, pseudo-enlightened yogis and open your mind as far as you can – you might find something you like…
Yogis don’t bite – just give it a try! For example at one of these upcoming yoga events all around Europe:
Yoga Expo Stuttgart – April 11-14th
Yoga Conference Germany – May 31st – June 3rd
Barcelona Yoga Conference – July 6-8th
European Yoga Festival France – July 20-28th
OM Yoga Show London – October 25-27th
…and many more – feel free to leave comments with more suggestions!