1) Your friends and family back home think you’re on a permanent holiday…
2) In reality, you spend six days a week sweating, cooking and cleaning
3) Your hands will look like this 99% of the time
4) You’ll learn how to make an artfully designed meal out of chicken fillets, cheese and ketchup
5) You’ll arrive with swanky new kit…
6) … And finish the season with holes and ripped seams in everything you own
7) You soon discover Ugg boots, high heels and any fancy clothes are totally useless
8) Dry shampoo will be your best friend
9) As will these
10) Powder days are better than Christmas
11) You think you’ll be a pro come March….

12)… When actually you’ll just have successfully mastered skiing after three beers and a jägerbomb
13) You didn’t even know what snow chains were in November… Now you can put them on in four minutes flat
14) You will end up with a scruffy seasonaire bum partner who likes to do things like this…
15) You think you’ll get super fit on your season….
16) … Instead your diet will consist of cheese, bread, wine and more cheese
17) You’ll make some seriously good mates that will have seen you through the good times…

18) And the bad…
19) Your French definitely improves after a few drinks
20) You will use words like “rad” and “badass”, even if you’ve never used them before…
21) Sleep is something that other people enjoy
22) Even though you’re working ridiculous hours for zero pay….
23) … You’ll never get sick of views like this
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