Who else daydreams about getting their best mates, some good music, and twinkling lights, and camping on a hill in wilderness together?
All too often we put it off, because it’s too much effort and everyone’s busy at work and with their lives.
However, it turns out it’s a lot simpler than we first thought.
Pyjamas, a bottle of wine and being under the stars is a good combination…
Adventurer Alastair Humphreys is on a mission to show the UK that going on a little ‘microadventure’ is super simple for everyone.
No matter where you live or how busy your schedule is, you can escape real life and spend some time in the wilderness this weekend.

“I’ve had some really good nights camping somewhere wild close to London,” says Alastair. “It’s exciting that you can find somewhere so wild and beautiful near a big city.”
“Both the North and South Downs are so close to London. Once
the evenings get a bit lighter, it’s totally realistic to leave work, go do
something like this and come back to work the next day.”
People always get worried about axe murderers or ghosts when wild camping. I think that most axe murderers go home at night…
So how does a person with no camping experience or outdoor knowledge go about having an overnight adventure under the stars?
We asked all the questions you need to know to be out sleeping in the moonlight in no time.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast
“Check the weather forecast first of all and go when the weather is good. Bad weather can lead to some good memories but I think for a novice you need good weather” says Alastair.
You don’t need to pack too much
“You only need a few things, most of which people already own, so rucksack, a sleeping bag, a tent, a woolly hat and some warm clothes, and something to eat and water.”
Wild camping isn’t dangerous
Many people think that wild camping is dangerous and irresponsible, but Alastair insists that most people’s fears live in the land of movies, not in real life.
“People always get worried about axe murderers, ghosts, or both on a really bad night. They are quite happy to go walking over hills and beaches in the daylight, but imagine that as soon as darkness falls, it just becomes full of murderers. I think that most axe murderers also go home at dark.”

It’s very easy to do
“I really enjoy seeing people who’ve never done it before. Seeing people who are woefully ill-equipped but just having a lot of fun out there doing it anyway.”
“Girls taking their pyjamas to sleep on hills, adding a bit of class to their outings. I think pyjamas, a bottle of wine and being under the stars is a good combination.”
It’s totally realistic to leave work, go wild camping and get back for work the next day
Escape from your normal routine
“Go for one little overnight adventure on a summer’s evening that involves walking from a pub up a hill to sleep for the night. Just sow the seeds of that feeling of escaping from the normal routines and escaping for a little while.”
We’re really digging Alastair’s maverick approach to exploring the world with your mates and getting home for lunch the next day.
Now the days are getting longer, we’ve promised ourselves that come Friday night, we won’t be head to the local pub.
Instead we’re going to grab our rucksacks and a bottle and find our closest hilltop and following Alastair’s tips.

Want to go for it? Alastair has planned a year of microadventures, encouraging people to get outside one night every month and do something different.
“I’ve tried to choose a roughly set date each month, so hopefully on that date they’ll be lots of other people doing it too.”
Check out his site for the next night. Maybe we’ll be seeing you in the hills.