For the launch of their surf range over here in Eurolands, Patagonia have expanded their team with Lea Brassy and Kim Diggs. Together with Patagonia ambassador Claire Karabastos they’ve embarked upon a trip to find waves along Spain and France’s coasts. Here is Kim’s exclusive diary.
July 11, 2011
First thing we do? Paddle out at 9pm to surf! I have never been to a place where the sun sets so late in the evening. First impression of Spain…beautiful architecture, amazingly warm people, good food and everyone rides a Vespa. I decided within the first day that I need a Vespa. Between the sun setting at 10pm and my time difference from California to here I am all out of sorts and love it.

July 12, 2011
Days here are so long that you tend to loose track of time and act as if your day is literally filled with endless opportunities. We surfed the break right in front of Patagonia’s new San Sebastian store, fun little beach break with the most amazing view of the city from the water. When a little storm came through, Jeff and I decided to explore the city by bike in the pouring rain.
July 14, 2011
I went to France for the first time today and loved it! We have been waking up at 5am; drinking lots of coffee and searching for waves…today we were in Lea and Claire’s hometown. It’s crazy, you go through one toll and you’re suddenly in a completely different country with a new language, culture, architecture and feel altogether. Claire gave me a tour of Biarritz, and then all of us girls met up for a surf by an old campsite. I finally got to surf my beach break in France and it was so fun! Since there’s so much daylight, we squeezed quite a few sessions out of the day!

July 18, 2011
After surfing in France for a few days, we decided to explore what Spain’s coast had to offer. We ended up in the little town, Comillas, which was exactly how I had imagined Spain to be before coming…old cement buildings, beautiful twisted metal window coverings, streets crowded with people. We surfed a few breaks down the coast, my favorite was this little break set right against the cliff with big rolling green hills and horses grazing in the pastures. The scenery is amazing…I found myself just gazing at the coast and mountains from the water’s perspective – absolutely breathtaking.
To find out more about the girls and the new surf range, check out patagonia.com