The Mile Wide Club?
Want to avoid jetlag, dehydration and nerves as you jet off on holiday this summer? It pays to watch what you eat at 30,000ft.
If you’re a nervous flyer: Take a salad of avocado, turkey and cottage cheese which are packed with sleep-aiding trypotan. For a more travel-friendly sleep snack, take a bag of dates, which are also rich in the hormone.
If you get dehydrated: A plane’s dry atmosphere makes dehydration a common side effect of flying and is thought to be one of the main causes of jet lag. Drink lots of water and eat foods with a high water content, such as fruit and salad. Avoid fizzy drinks as the gas expands under the low pressure and may bloat you. Avoid alcohol too which is a diuretic and dehydrates you even faster.
To prevent DVT: Exercise and movement is the main thing in avoiding deep vein thrombosis, but food can help too. Capsaicin in chilli is a natural anticoagulant and stimulates the circulation. The sulphur compounds from two cloves of garlic a day also reduce blood pressure and inhibit blood clotting. Both chilli and garlic need to be eaten for a week or so before the flight to fully gain these benefits.