The Horsefeathers Pleasure Jam on November 13-15 is looking ahead to its “cursed 7th year” yet still guaranteeing a diverse and to the utmost breathtaking show, filling pro’s, am’s and the audience likewise with enthusiasm! Seemingly unaffected by the omnipresent crisis, the event on the Dachstein glacier succeeds year after year in reinventing and even surpassing itself in ingeniousness. Obviously, the Horsefeathers Pleasure Jam doesn’t have to fear comparison with counterparts across Europe. Since it comes up with the considerable prize money of 15.000 USD as well as bearing as much as 4 stars within the Swatch TTR World Snowboard Tour, riders and media representatives around the globe are eager to take part. Those riders who still feel not motivated enough, can go for other awesome awards such as a three week’s all-inclusive surf trip to the legendary Balicamp. Traditionally, the renowned event at the Atomic Superpark Dachstein turns the tranquil Schladming-Dachstein region into a melting pot of the scene and the party folk.