After Kelly Clark added yet another X Games medal to her storage, so did fellow American and prize-collector Jamie Anderson at the slopestyle finals in Tignes on Friday.
Consistently as always, she totally killed the jib section and a super nice switch BS 5 scored a whooping 95.33 points. Last year’s TTR champ Enni Rukajärvi and was riding as clean as ever and threw 7s in all directions, just like current Cooler cover girl Silje Norendal, who’s BS 7 rodeo secured her the silver medal and will ensure she’s growing out of her rookie status pretty soon.
Although she stomped a huge 9, the first in a contest mind you, Cheryl Maas only got to 5th place and defending gold medalist Jenny Jones had to put up with rank 8 due to an injury from practice at the U.S. Open last week.
1. Jamie Anderson USA 95.33
2. Silje Norendal NOR 94.00
3. Enni Rukajarvi FIN 93.66
4. Spencer O’Brien CAN 93.33
5. Cheryl Mass FRA 91.33
6. Kjersti Buaas NOR 88.00
7. Sina Candrian SUI 79.66
8. Jenny Jones GBR 77.33
9. Rebeca Torr NZL 75.33
10. Jordie Karlinski USA 43.66