LG Freeze Air Bag Tour made it’s latest stop at Sno!zone, Milton Keynes on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th October. The riders got to practice their new tricks at MK secure in the knowledge that they would have the comfort of landing of the LG Air Bag – awesome.
To celebrate LG’s sponsorship of the FIS Snowboard World Cup, LG have set up an Air Bag Tour around some of the UK’s top snow slopes. This is leading up to their big event, the FSO4 Freeze sponsored by LG, set to take place at London’s at Battersea Power Station from 23-26 October. Here – for the first time ever – the world’s best skiers and snowboarders will be heading to the capital to compete at Big Air on a 17metre-high real snow jump.
Back to MK… And as I stand at the top waiting for my first run in; I can feel my heart pounding. Excited and nervous, I ask my friend Neil for some advice. He suggests keeping my legs strong but relaxed and to get as much speed as you can. I have experienced the Air Bag a few times before so I know what to expect; massive air and a comfy landing, but my heart is still pounding!

I straight line it into the kicker, keep legs fairly strong, pop off the jump, do a sketchy nose grab and scream as I realize just how high I am! 1/10 for style; 10/10 for effort!
After a few hits most riders at MK were brave enough to take the opportunity to throw either front or back flips. Alice shouts on my 2nd run in, “do the front flip,” I shout back, “mate, I am aiming to master not screaming this time!”
Having the opportunity to experience such a big kicker you realize how much strength you need to keep control of your body. I was struggling to keep together in the air and definitely struggling to pull a sweet trick. Riding up a big kicker requires a lot of core strength.
Experiencing big kickers makes me admire our pro rider, Dom Harrington even more. The skill and strength that is required to pull either a backside or frontside nine over big kickers is impressive. Our pros are true athletes.
LG are offering the riders a great practice and the Air Bag brings your riding on no end. When you come back to trying your trick that you have practiced on the Air Bag but now on a smaller kicker it feels easy and your opinion of what a big kicker is has changed dramatically.
Thanks LG!

Still time to (safely) get your big air hits…
To participate at one of the LG Air Bag nights you just need to pre-register at londonfreeze.com, sign your disclaimer (of course), and prepare yourself for some serious adrenaline. You should be able to get at least four or five hits at the Air Bag and as long as you can ski or board confidently in a straight line from the top of the slope (as you need speed) then you should try it.
Remaining LG Air Bag Tour Dates;
• Wed 15th Oct – Sno!zone, Castleford
• Thurs 16th Oct – Sno!zone, Castleford
• Fri 17th Oct – John Nike Ski Center, Chatham
• Sat 18th Oct – Snowdome, Tamworth
• Sun 19th Oct _ Snowtrax, Bournemouth
• Mon 20th Oct – Ski and Snowboard Center, Bracknell
• Tues 21st Oct – Ski and Snowboard Center, Bromley
Watch the pros over the 17m high big air jump at FSO4 Freeze sponsored by LG from 23rd to 26th Oct at Battersea Power Station, London.
If you fancy a couple of free tickets, enter our competition now!Words by: Animal and Salomon sponsored rider Catherine Peck
Pics by: Wilf Turnbull