O’Neill Wetsuits has created our very own biodegradable bag to protect its wetsuits, vests, and UV products. We introduce to you the BioBag! Jack O’Neill has always strived to raise awareness of the importance of the relationship between the sea and the environment and the BioBag is a further step in this journey.
Plastic bag litter kills at least 100,000 marine animals every year. And recycling has not been an adequate response to this problem as only 1 in every 200 plastic bags are recycled. The BioBag tackles the problem head on and is a significant development in green technology.
* made from bioplastic materials based on starch and vegetable oils
* 100% biodegradable and compostable as well as recyclable and burnable
* biodegradable to water, CO2, and residual organic carbon, leaving no harmful residues
* completely composed after 10-45 days, depending on composting
* represents 1/5th of Global Warming Potential of standard paper bags and almost 1/4th of polyethylene (plastic) bags
* provides a high barrier against penetration of viruses and bacteria
* reduces the amount of volume by 1/5th the space that paper bags use in solid wastes, leading to energy savings since there is less mass to recycle or dispose
As our wetsuit customers are becoming more eco-conscious, O’Neill is continuing to push forward and show that, even as the environment is concerned, we are still very much In It For Life.