Last weekend I attended a base jumping competition in Benidorm, Spain. We were 32 jumpers from different countries, and we were all jumping of the Hotell Bali, which with it’s 184 meters in the highest hotel in Europe.
There were three competition rounds, and we were judged on everything from exit style, freefall time, opening, canopy control, landing and then of course we were supposed to hit a target too. Although I just missed the final round with two numbers, I could still jump inbetween the rouds, and had lot’s of fun. We even did a four way bikini jump!
The landing area was righ next to the pool so it was quite nice to jump in there to cool down after the strenous jump (it wasn’t exactly strenous- we took the lift all the way to the top and simply walked out on the roof where they had built a nice running ramp for us).

The whole weekend was ended with a nice cliff jump by el Peñon de Ilfach, before going to the airport on Suday morning. The cliff is about 300 meters and overhung. When on top you see nothing below you but he green ocean and in our case the sunrise