You’re hopefully already very excited for the WiB Conference coming up in Saas-Fee from September 26th-30th and dying to find out who will inspire and motive us this year, so here’s your relief!
ANNA-MARIA RUGARLI: Sustainability and CSR Director of the whole VF International group. She talks about her challenge to bring the excitement of sustainable production into a stock exchange traded company and what it means for a women to be at the top of such an ambitious project.
MANUELA MOHR: Fitness coach, nutrition specialist and health instructor talks about the ‘Disney Strategy’. How to be creative, innovative and plan realistic strategies. She will also leads 3 workshops and several sport- and animation workshops.
BIRGIT GRUBER: PR Manager Burton Europe. Since many years, Birgit is one of the most inspiring PR-ladies of our industry. Connects PR with media, helps organising events and riders, drives the PR rail at Burton and does a fantastic job! She also will share with us the Burton undertakings to bring more kids on the snowboard.
KATRIN (SCHTIFTI): She’s one of the Makers and Shakers from the many times awarded Schtifti Foundation and helps bringing the teaching and value of healthy food and movement to the kids and into schools. And her know how of how to bring children actively into doing the sports and sustain the activity.
URSINA HALLER: Swiss Snowboard teamrider, talks about her career, her life and her Girlie Camps… Her way, to give back to people in continuing her job as a pro rider and bringing girls into the snow!
17 year old JULIA HEINZER, student: Tells her story of how taking her life in her hand in creating a surfer-book-vision has given her self-confidence and trust after some challenging teenager-years.
IDA HOLMEN: Digital Content Manager at Skullcandy, former Volcom and The North Face employee. Tells us how she got and created her incredible job, where all that she loves doing comes together.
ANNINA CAMPBELL: Red Bull Servus TV Reporter. Once, the beautiful lady had a dream of becoming a reporter… From that moment on, doors opened. Today, she has been discovered by Red Bull for Servus TV.
BETTINA BOLLIGER: Talks about all the magic that started to happen to her once she started completely to follow the voice of her heart, leaving behind all the security.
In addition to that there will be yoga classes, workshops in which we’ll work on the how we can get active and bring more women into the great sensation of snow, adventure parks and outside activities that will glue the women even more together.
And if you have some special topics you’d like to share with the rest of us, the Open Mic is at your disposition!