I’ve just got back from a great week training in El Tur, Egypt. This is a little-known windsurf spot on the north sinai consisting of a flat water bay which is affected by the strong winds that channel down the Suez canal. The winds were predominantly light but nonetheless I think that I probably made the most improvement in this week since I began windsurfing. I was out on the water for at least 4-5 hours every day perfecting my vulcans and also learning a lot of light wind tricks in the straps! Plus with it being hot enough to just wear a bikini on the water made it perfect.
There isn’t an awful lot to do at this place but I was out there with my two really good friends Jam and Em and we spent a lot of time laughing at people, drinking duty free vodka and generally causing mayhem! On the last day I got a taxi (open truck ride on top of my kit with 10 Polish guys!) to the wave spot just north of where I was staying. And it was great! Strong cross-shore winds and lots of ramps made for plenty of air time! And now I’m back in the UK trying not to think cold thoughts but still enjoying every minute of windsurfing!
And of course spreading the www.sevenx.co.uk word with all my funky t-shirts and tops… thank you Giles!