New year’s resolutions are often made at 1am after a few pints of beer and tend to revolve around never drinking booze again, buying a gym membership and avoiding cheesy chips at all costs.
This year I decided to give up plastic water bottles. Why? Plastic bottles form the majority of litter on our beaches and in our oceans – and when you think about it, they are totally pointless.
Plastic water bottles are flown thousands of miles across the world to countries which have perfectly safe drinkable tap water. Shops charge you for something which you can get for free at home.
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I’ve found giving up plastic water bottles really easy. I just carry my Klean Kanteen water bottle around with me and avoid buying drinks in plastic bottles when I’m out and about.
The hardest part? Travelling. Airports are the worst. Most don’t have water fountains available after security to allow you to refill your bottle, forcing you to buy an expensive bottle of water or make yourself really thirsty on board your flight.
Need more convincing that giving up plastic water bottles is a good thing? Read on…