Who wishes that they could have spent their P.E lessons in school learning how to snowboard?
The pain of weekly P.E is a feeling many active and sporty adults can relate to. Cold, rainy days spent outside in the school grounds playing netball or hockey and long runs around the track field, have left a particularly sour taste in the mouth for many of us.
At Cooler, we all found a love of sport later in life from discovering the many different sports outside of school. While we hated high jump and badminton, we now live for surfing, skating, climbing and snowboarding.
The fact that so many adults who love fitness once hated school gym lessons shows that educators need to broaden their view on exercise, luckily Burton Snowboards have taken a big step towards changing these lessons for good.
Starting in the US, the company has set up a new initiative to get snowboarding lessons into all P.E lessons and primary school gyms.