Movie day anyone? Intern Mia did a little list of her favourite films and film scenes in case you need some inspiration…
Could Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy in Beasts of a Southern Wild be any more magical?
Was it just me or did everyone want to be Natalie Portman as Matilda in Leon?
Drinking lighter fuel, rubbing deep heat into his body while swearing profusely is how I will forever see Mr Grant
Everyone should watch Kids, it’s just one of those films that deserves to be seen
Gummo directed by Harmony Korine is great in so many ways, loved Chloe Sevingy’s bleached hair & eyebrows combo too

Monroe plays Sugar in Some Like It Hot, watching her hack at a huge cube of ice to make cocktails for her girls just makes you want to be BFFs
Leonardo and Claire will always be my favourite Romeo and Juliet

Magnolia directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, because i have never seen Tom Cruise in the same way since
Buffalo 66 is by far one of my favourite films, Christina’s makeup gets brownie points too
‘Nobody fucks with the Jesus!’ as he is probably the best character in The Big Lebowski after the Dude of course
And lastly Howl’s Moving Castle, because Hayao Miyazaki’s films are amazing and Christian Bale’s voice makes Howl even more dreamy..
I could go on and on because I love films but we would all be here for a long time, hope you recognised these great films and if you didn’t maybe take an hour to catch up on some good cinema.