Have you seen that spoof video from American comedian Amy Schumer called Girl, You Don’t Need Make Up?
It features a fake boy band singing to Amy about how she doesn’t need make-up because she’s beautiful already. After she wipes it all off, they say she looks like the “ghost from The Ring” and she needs to be more feminine.
Make-up, it’s a strange concept, isn’t it? The idea that you need to bronze your skin, plump up your lips and pencil in your eyebrows that make your natural face looks supposedly better than it already is.
I won’t be contouring my face with different shades of peach to make my cheekbones stand out, because that’s just crazy. And time-consuming.
Don’t get me wrong, I think expressing yourself through make-up is a great thing. If you want to wear it for you, I couldn’t be more stoked. Just check out this lady, she looks rad.
However, I’m a firm believer in doing something for yourself, not for other people.
Most days I don’t wear make up. When I do, it’s because my face looks red and blotchy and I look like I’ve had two hours sleep. A light swipe of tinted moisturiser, a dab of blusher and some mascara and I’m good to go.
If I’m going to a wedding, I’ll put on a bit of eye liner, but apart from that I can’t really be bothered.

There are benefits to not wearing make-up. Make-up is expensive. You put it on and just hours later you have to go through the whole faff of taking it off again before you go to sleep, lest you want to wake up with volcanic spot eruptions all over your face.
If, like us, you spend a lot of time outdoors, make-up doesn’t really work. Mascara runs when you jump in the sea. Foundation smears off when you sweat. If you faceplant on your snowboard, you’d never know you were wearing any in the first place.
Why would you want to hide all those gorgeous features that make you you? Whether it’s freckles or moles, you should let them show through because they’re ace.

We liked the Go BearFaced campaign for Children in Need in 2013, where UK celebrities showed up of their make-up free visages. But what gets me is that women not wearing make-up is still a revelation to the world.
For centuries women didn’t have the means to wear make-up. Many in developing countries women still don’t. So why does the western world still throw it’s arms up in both joy and horror when a women shows her real face in public?
I’m not here to judge anyone who wears make-up. It makes you feel good, do it. “An elegantly made-up woman who’s wearing make-up to cover facial scars is just as beautiful as the flawless 18-year-old who doesn’t wear a scrap,” Rhiannon Williams wrote in The Telegraph. I completely it agree. It’s totally up to the individual.
But if you’re wearing make-up under some pretence that it will make guys fancy you more, it’s not worth it. Trust us.
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