Interview & photos (excluding Yolandi Visser image) by Mia Kingsley
Anna Ryon is 21, from Seattle, WA USA. Now living in London, she studies anthropology and sociology at Goldsmiths University, works at Logo, is an awesome photographer (she has an extremely cool style spread in our winter issue that’s OUT TODAY!) and if that isn’t enough she’s in the process of creating ‘Massive Crush’. I meet up with her to find out a little more about the project, we talk cartoon characters on Nutella jars, Yolandi Visser and what we have to look forward too…
So tell us, What is Massive Crush?
Massive Crush is the little brand I’ve created for my hand-painted clothes
You usually take photos so what led you to designing and creating clothes?
I’ve always done different creative things, I guess photography is the one I’ve committed to and shared with outside world the most. But sometimes I get bored of it if I’m not thinking of any good ideas. The summer came around and I needed something to do so I started making these clothes. It’s nice because it takes a long time and I don’t need to arrange any plans to do it. Also it’s nice to do something that you’re a beginner at because it takes away any weird pressure to be good at it.
So have you always liked to paint and be creative?
I never really painted before, it was always too difficult to make it look nice. But on these clothes I figured out how to make the paint come out in a way I like. I have always done creative things. When I was little I would get really frustrated and annoying if I wasn’t doing enough drawing and crafts and stuff. I still do but now I don’t cry as much.
What inspires you?
For these clothes one of my main inspirations is the kind of cartoons that used to freak me out as a kid. Like the ones that were slightly too grotesque and chaotic. That and the painter Basquiat. But I don’t know if anyone would be able to tell that from the clothes.
If you could collaborate with another designer who would it be?
I don’t know, I guess someone who could sew really cool clothes and then let me paint all over it!
Your designs are super cute and full of colour, will you be making any darker pieces in time for winter?
I’m not sure, I’m still just trying to get a grasp on my style. It’s still really early. Come to think of it I think it’s nice to wear colours in winter. But maybe my mood will change when it gets cold, who knows!
Why Doraemon? Will any more fun characters take the stage of Massive Crush?
I was in Barcelona and my friend was eating Nutella from this special edition Doraemon jar and I loved it so much so when he was done with it he cleaned it all up and gave it to me. I was using it as my water cup for painting and when I was trying to think of they first shirt I was gonna make I looked at it and knew that’s what I wanted. The Doraemon shirts are the most popular cause everyone loves Doraemon, but I am trying to make my own characters so I don’t get sued.
Yolandi Visser from Die Antwoord has a Massive Crush Doraemon crop top! She is a pretty cool person to wear your clothes… how did it happen?
My friend had backstage tickets to their show in London and brought me along. I was really excited to meet them. We both made some presents for them. The one Yo-landi is wearing in the picture was the first shirt I ever made. I wanted to keep it but thought that she deserves it more. I’m glad she actually liked it! To be honest I thought she might throw it away because they must get so many gifts, they couldn’t possibly keep them all!
So tell us what we can look forward to from Massive Crush?
Hopefully a micro collection of actual hand-made clothes, right now I am painting mostly on American Apparel stuff. I just need some money to make it happen so everyone please buy my stuff from the Etsy store!
So if you want to see some more Massive Crush’s cool designs, buy a supper sweet sun dress and follow the progress of the new brand, here’s a few links:
And don’t for get to follow Massive Crush on Instagram!
Thanks Anna! xox
Next week I will be talking to the young and talented photographer Florence Sharp-Mitchell, be sure to check it out