This strictly 18+ weekend is half music festival, half adventure summer camp for adults.
In the daytime there’s an endless supply of ridiculously fun activities to do including extreme zorbing, adventure talks, archery battles, astronomy, beekeeping, campfire cooking, capture the flag, circus aerial, crossbows, drumming, escape and evade, extreme water slide, fire lighting, woodland walks, high ropes, hoop skills, wood-fired hot tubs , ice cream making, juggling, leather craft, life drawing, live music, macrame, meditation, mask making, nipple tassles, obstacle course, paddle boarding, pioneering, power tools, projectiles, radio dj, scavenger hunt, screen printing, shakespeare in the woods, shelter building – sun printing – swing dance – swords – self defence – slack lines, tie dye, tight ropes, tin piercing, treasure hunt, weaving, wild choir, wild dodgeball, wild game cooking, Wild tanning, wild apothecary, wood whittling, X stitch, yoga, zombie runs and so much more….
At night however the games go away and the beer comes out for three nights of partying, as the forest transforms into a glittering Wildfire of music and festivity. With a secret line-up curated by the award winning team behind LeeFest,expect to find yourself in the middle of secret parties, with exciting bands and artists, campfires and some magical night time adventures.