100 days surfing in a row…. Sounds like a dream scenario you could only attain by either becoming super rich or a total surf bum?
Not at all, as life coach Linzi Wilson from the US shows, who has dedicated herself to surf every day for a hundred days in a row. She did so to reconnect with her innermost center and find out more about what she truly wants.
Of course this is a bit tough if you don’t live close enough to the sea, but it will work just as well with any other activity that you love and feel at ease doing, so if the waves aren’t with you, you can use what is around you and go longboarding, cycling, cross country running, or whatever it is that makes you happy and grounds you in yourself.
Out of practical reasons we only used Linzis first and last clip, so to watch the other 98 videos head on over to her Vimeo Channel! And to find out more about her reasons and motivation, check out helloglowcoaching.com