The Game of Weird, Katie Blundell, Kate Wood and Jade McJannett’s edit for ‘A Brit Weird’ was one of the winning entries from the contest. The girls take part in their very own retro computer game, gaining letters for tricks in the park and at Woodward, in the quest to be WEIRD! Here we find out a bit more from crew member, Kate Wood…
How do you feel about winning the first contest?
Stoked! There were so many entries, all of them really good, it was a surprise to win. To be honest though, we had so much fun creating the video that winning was just an added bonus.
What was your inspiration for the concept?
We decided to base it on the well known game of S.K.A.T.E. Following the weird theme of the contest, we thought it would be appropriate to make the words spell W.E.I.R.D instead. To make it really weird, we made it into a computer game where we were the actual characters, as though someone else was playing it and we had been sucked through the TV into the game and the computer called the tricks. We also reversed the rules, so the winner would get W.E.I.R.D. We all ended up winning, which kept it less serious we thought.
Did you have fun making it?
It was lots of fun! It was great to get a crew of female riders together to make a film. We ended up pushing each other into trying tricks on features that we either hadn’t done before or had neglected to do for a while and getting stoked for each other when someone was successful or had tried a new trick. Even though we were meant to be opponents! We got especially stoked when all three of us got the trick, as the point of the game is to do it on the first attempt.
Would you take part again next year?
Definitely! It was awesome to be involved in a contest where so many other female riders at all levels and ages were involved in. We had a great time making our video and it was so fun watching everyone else’s. It was exciting to wait for the results too, anyone could have won it! I hope that even more enter next year. Anyway, we have a title to keep now! Bring it on!
Check out their winning entry here: