In case you missed it at the London Surf Film Festival last year, here’s the teaser for the innovative surf film Through The Whisky Barrel, that gives some great insight into the history and the culture of surfing in Scotland and features one of the bravest girls on the planet, Dee Ripoll, who hits her breaks, never mind the thermostat, snow flakes or icicles on the car. To learn more about this queen of ice, check our interview with her in the current issue of our print mag and check the official info below!
The film showcases an array of epic waves which are unleashed onto the undulating Scottish coastline, whilst telling the stories of Scottish surfing’s pioneers and the waves, which form their coldwater playground. The film aims to promote awareness about our unspoilt beaches and reefs which require our protection now more than ever due to increased threat of coastal developments.
Years of archived footage have been gathered to make the film and we are currently seeking further video clips. If you have any footage of incredible waves or outstanding surfing in Scotland then please contact us to get involved in this exciting project, which we hope will give Scottish waves and Scottish surfers the recognition they deserve.