Love yoga and beer? Then this could be the class for you.
Yoga classes have started popping up in breweries all over America.
The idea is you practice a 45 minute to an hour long class, and then stop for a quick pint of ale to finish off.
It’s said to have started in Charleston in South Carolina, USA when yoga teacher Beth Cosi volunteered to teach a class at a local brewery.

She invited her fellow yogis to practice their asanas – and they relaxed with a beer afterwards.
It kicked off a trend among beer-loving yogis and now dozens of yoga classes are popping up across the USA.
“Beer and yoga have a few things in common, but the most important is happiness,” beer blogger and yogi Adrienne Jenise told the Yoga Journal.
“Both are soothing, relaxing, and lead to a casual social environment.”
You can practice everywhere from Breckenridge, Colorado to Los Angeles, California to New York State.
Brew Asanas has a list of events popping up around Colorado. It’s even spreading to Canada. Just check out this class from gorgeous looking brewery 33 Acres Brewing Co. in Vancouver.

But what about classes in the UK?
Lucyoga runs occasional yoga and beer tasting sessions in the Brick Brewery, London. Keep an eye on her website for updates of the next session.
We hope more will be popping up around the British Isles soon.