Vegan Cafe In Georgia Attacked By Far-Right Extremists Armed With Grilled Sausages
Police were called after anti-vegan campaigners stormed The Kiwi Cafe.
Pictured: The scene of the confrontation between vegans and sausage-wielding neo-nazis.
Whenever we go on Facebook these days, we can’t help but notice how much anti-vegan sentiment is doing the rounds at the moment. Whether it’s a meme, a GIF, an angrily-typed status, or a video discussing ‘What Happens When Meat Eaters Act Like Vegans‘, it’s clear that some people are seriously annoyed about the way veganism has drifted from obscure dietary choice to mainstream lifestyle option in recent years.
Last week a vegan cafe in Tbilisi, Georgia, was attacked by “anti-vegan” campaigners. Police had to be called to the Kiwi Café, in the country’s capital, after the campaigners started attacking customers of the vegan establishment with sausages and fish. Yes, really. This actually happened.
The Kiwi Cafe in Tsbilsi, Georgia, was attacked by far-right extremists holding sausages.
It is believed things started with some relatively-innocuous heckling from people who were grilling meat products outside the cafe, before it all kicked off and things quickly descended into madness. The owners of the Kiwi Café wrote in a statement on their Facebook page that the campaigners “…pulled out some grilled meat, sausages, fish and started eating them and throwing them.”
“We said that they must leave…But they didn’t leave and started yelling, laughing, and talking to us sarcastically.”
“We started to push these people out of [the] cafe,…one of the neighbours showed the knife, he said – ‘come out, we will figure everything out.’ Our friend said that no one will go anywhere, and then one of them took her by her hair and pushed her on the street, pushed her to the asphalt with her face toward the ground. Then the fight started on the street. We called the police.”
Pictured: The Kiwi Cafe posted a statement on their Facebook page following the attack.
It is believed the attackers of the cafe were neo-Nazis, participants of the so-called “Bergmann” movement, who support fascist ideas. The Kiwi Café’s Facebook post suggested that the attack was partly motivated by homophobia, as many of the establishment’s customers are part of the LGBT community.
“Some neighbours had already showed us their negative attitude a lot of times, because we (the way we look, music that we listen to, ideas we support, and the fact that we don’t eat meat) are out of the world to which they are used to, because we act weirdly by their measurements and are not embarrassed of who we are…Locals took the side of fascists just because in their view we are “different”.
Despite no arrests being made, this incident does perhaps illustrate how angry some people are about the growing acceptance of plant-based diets. Popular documentaries such as Cowspiracy are making people increasingly aware of where our food comes from and this, it seems, is too much for some people to handle. Here at Mpora, we’re very much in favour of everyone getting along nicely. Peace, love, and understanding …am-I-right?!
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