

Wellness Week – Day 3

Mantra of the day 



Yoga Sadhana in Bed:

Waking up
* drink a glass of water in bed
* honor your creative power: channel the power of your peak mental time by reducing internet or technology at home. Envision your day to be peaceful and calm.

First things of the Day: 
* drink a glass of lukewarm water with a juice of a lemon + pinch of cayenne + crushed ginger * splash water on your face 7 times (for the 7 chakras)
Kavala Graha: scrape your tongue, gargle with oil and brush your teeth
* Abhyanga Massage & Shower
* oil your face with essential oils

Now youʼre ready for your altar time.

Altar Time (ME time) 

Meditation :

My favorite: So/Hum Meditation (3 to 5 minutes)
The So Hum meditation is a simple but powerful technique that uses the breath and the repetition of a mantra to quiet the mind and relax the body.
Sit comfortably on the beach, in a park, on your mat…
Close your eyes & take a few moments to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.
Take a slow deep inhale through your nose while silently repeating the word So
Then slowly exhale through your nose while silently repeating the word Hum.
Continue to allow your breath to flow easily, silently repeating So . . . Hum . . . with each inflow and outflow of the breath.
Whenever your attention drifts to thoughts in your mind, sounds in the environment, or sensations in your body, gently return to your breath, silently repeating So . . . Hum.
Do this process for 5 to 30 minutes. Just breathe easily without trying to concentrate. When the time is up, sit with your eyes gently closed, taking a moment to rest in the stillness and silence of your meditation.


3 to 12 rounds of Surya Namaskara (classic Sun Salutation)
Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I) + Digasana (Warrior III) + Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) / Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose)
Supta Matsyendrasana (Knee Down Twist)

Disclaimer: only do these poses if you are in good health, not pregnant and already got some yoga experience! If you don’t have any experience yet, go see a teacher first. We take no responsibility for injuries or other discomforts.

Nadi Shodona: Sit in a comfortable meditation posture.  Left hand on the knee, right hand in front of the face. Close the right nostril with the thumb: inhale & exhale through the left nostril 5 times. Be aware of each breath.
Release the pressure of the right nostril and press the left nostril with the ring finger (blocking flow of air).
Lower the hand & breath 5 times through both nostrils.
Practice 3 to 5 minutes.

Benefits: Blood is purified of toxins/ Induces tranquillity, clarity of thought & concentration. Increases vitality & lowers levels of stress & anxiety.

Tips of the 3rd day:
* use the time that you normally spend in front of the tv/computer or on the phone to develop your CREATIVITY: use your old /broken jewellery and do some new ones, play some music, paint, make a scrapbook, customise your clothes…

By Night :
* 1/2 teaspoon of triphala tea
* massage the soles of your feet

Dr Seuss Mantra:  

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.

For more detox tips, head over to!

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