1) They are always up for any kind of adventure
Especially if it involves dirt, camping and a very high chance of rain

2) When you say let’s go ride bikes and eat nachos, they always say yes

3) They laugh when things go a bit shit…
Like you’ve just lost one of your hiking boots and it’s starting to rain

4) … And know how to perk you up when you reach a low point
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.
5) Mud totally doesn’t faze them

6) Neither does the cold

7) Boundaries are something other people abide by
Fence? What fence?

8) You trust them with a map…

9) And their ability to remove a giant splinter from your hand
10) They will sleep literally anywhere
It could be on a luggage trolley in the middle of Old Delhi Station, and they’d still be snoring

11) When they see a mountain, they want to climb it

12) Their idea of a good night out is camping somewhere with a good view and a six pack of beers

13) If you forget your sleeping mat, they’ll always offer you theirs

14) As well as their last sip of water

15) Because that’s what a good adventure buddy is for

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