It’s a story we’ve heard time and time again. Katrina* was 27 years-old when she quit her 9 to 5 city job to travel the world.
But unlike other freedom-seekers, Katrina didn’t end up totally broke and cleaning toilets.
She rented out her two-bedroom house in California on Airbnb and is now using the income to fund her travels, according to Buzzfeed.

She’s now visited over 21 different places since the beginning of this year.
Katrina charges between $4,600 to $5,100 USD per month (about £3,030 to £3,360) to rent her condo.
It makes her around $60,000 USD (£40,000) per year, but around half of that goes on maintenance and cleaning (the not so fun bits).

However, Katrina still manages to make it work, admitting she is a “budget and financial-projection ninja” when it comes to making sure it all balances up.
She admits she misses her family, routine and hanging out with her friends – but wouldn’t swap this experience for anything.
Granted, not every 27 year-old has their own house to rent out – but if you did, would you give this a go?
You can read the rest of her story here
*Her name was changed to protect her identity