Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last week, you’ve probably seen the Protein World advert that is causing many people to come out in a fit of uncontrolled rage…
The London ad campaign, featuring a young, slim woman in her bikini alongside weight0loss products, asks the question ‘Are you beach body ready?’
A lot of people are calling out the company for using body shaming tactics and asking for the removal the poster from public spaces.
( There is a mass protest planned for this Saturday in Hyde Park)
In the face of such a ridiculous messages, it’s always best to use a good dose of good humour to make a point.
Some women have taken to defacing the posters and mocking them online.
We love the ways in which everyone has been tearing down the posters and showing it for the joke it actually is.
Here’s some of our very favourite acts of female rebellion against Protein World….