Learn the right of way
Learn the right of way
Who has right of way when it comes to surfing?
People can get a bit confused but we promise, it’s pretty straightforward.
The person closest to the peak of a wave has the right of way, it’s as simple as that.
If a person is up riding a wave, do not try and surf the white-water behind them, it’s known as back paddling.
Not only is it annoying for the surfer, if they don’t realise someone is behind and they cut back, that’s a board coming straight for you.
If a wave is breaking towards itself and you’re taking off towards another surfer, you both have right of way.
It’s a tricky situation to ride safely. Kick off early to try and avoid getting in each other’s way.
Of course, the other surfer could have the same idea. Overall it’s best to try and avoid taking off on the same wave entirely!