The world including, and perhaps even especially, us is fully frothing over the Winter Olympics 2014, which is set to kick off in Sochi this Friday. But how must it feel for all those athletes who aren’t going? Especially the ones that were shoe-ins for the plane such as Elena Hight. In this super classy and open interview just a few days after she didn’t make the US halfpipe team, Elena Hight spoke to us about her disappointment but how she’ll still be whooping for her team buddies all the way
We were gutted to see you won’t be heading to the Winter Olympics, especially as you always lay down such progressive manoeuvres [see for example this double backside alley oop rodeo] what happened?
I have been pushing myself this year to progress my riding and my run. I have been trying a harder run than I have ever done before and unfortunately I just wasn’t able to land qualifying events. I think that it just wasn’t my time to go.
Did you feel angry, sad, disappointed, all those things!?
I am definitely disappointed. I have given my all in the last year to prepare for the Olympics. It is hard to see a dream slip out of your fingers but I just have to keep my head up and look upward and onward. I know that I have so many other opportunities in snowboarding so I am just focused on making the most of the opportunities that do come my way.
We’ve noticed you posting really gracious and cool messages of support for the rest of the US Team which is super inspiring. Has it been hard to do that?
I will support my fellow team mates no matter what. These people that are a part of the US Team have become my family over the last decade and I am so happy for all of them going to Sochi, whether I am with them or not. I cannot wait to see them all go over there and show our country proud.
Will you still watch the contest?
Absolutely! I definitely want to cheer for all of my friends who I know have worked so hard to be there.
You’re still just 24, so we can expect to see you at the next Olympics in Korea yeah!?
Haha, well I definitely will still be snowboarding, I haven’t even thought that far ahead but I guess it is an option.
Do you ever wish you weren’t American so you’d have an easier Olympic selection process!?
Ahhhh, the US definitely has the hardest qualifying process for women’s halfpipe team… But I don’t think I would want to go to the Olympics representing any other country.
So cool of her to be so open about the disappointment so soon after the event. Not to mention classy of her to support her fellow team mates. She also chats about “the shock” of not-qualifying in the latest episode of Hight Hopes, which you can watch here:
In case you missed Episode 1 of Hight Hopes here it is again:
And here’s Episode 2: