The winter has been and gone, and what an amazing one it was for girls snowboarding! A historical one in fact (all this happened)! The Olympics brought the sport into the limelight in the UK thanks to Aimee Fuller and Jenny Jones, there were a load of entries into the first all-girl film contest ‘A Brit Weird’ and I went trekking out with a camera to meet with girls who shred the UK for my project ‘Brits on Board’. All these things have done their bit to create a platform for girls snowboarding and I hope we can keep the momentum for next season.

Brits on Board aimed to showcase some of the girls snowboard scene in the UK, so to do that I went out to meet sponsored riders, snowboard shop staff, industry folk and just girls who shred for fun- from Hemel to Aviemore to Mayrhofen. The outcome was 5 mini episodes, interviews with Olympians Jenny Jones and Aimee Fuller and the competition ‘A Brit Weird’ (with the help of LASS, GNU and Cooler). It was a busy and enjoyable first part of the project and a big thanks to all those who took part, letting us come snap, chat and film!

But it’s not over as there are other boards to play on this summer and the fun continues on the Brits on Board Tumblr. Plus why not go out there yourself and film some stuff?