Standing Up
Standing Up
Make yourself feel as relaxed and as calm as possible, this will make your body more adaptable to balance!
Get your knees bent up to your chest and all your joints as soft and relaxed as possible. Stretch out your arms in front of you trying not to bend your elbows, keep a strong but relaxed grip on the handle.
When the handle pulls forward, let it roll you forward onto a balanced position on top of the board (still knees bent, crouched down). This position on the balls of your feet is your base for standing up so take your time. The slower you move, the more your body will find a comfortable balance!
Once you are comfortable slowly start to rise a little higher on your legs, still with your arms outstretched.
Once you are balanced in a standing position (knees still soft and bendy) bring the handle around to your side, in-line with your ‘leading hip’ and look over your ‘leading shoulder’.