The Windells Camps at Mt Hood in Orgeon, USA are a great place to be as a girl this summer. A great park, amazing teachers and like minded females as far as the eye can see – what could you want more? Not much, as the recap of the first session in June shows…

The first session of Windells Camp started with a bang. The girls wasted no time grabbing skateboards to tearing up the Concrete Jungle and the all new indoor skate facility. Skate Like a Girl, a grassroots organization empowering girls and women through skating, held their first girls only skate session with the campers (and staff, too!). Girls were pumping the mini ramps, learning kick-turns, and going for first time drop-ins!

Burton Girls returned to host the ever anticipated Lipstick Challenge. Campers give each other makeovers, well, makeunders with shades of reds, blues and pinks unseen since the glamour shot era. A few of Burton’s guys were so friendly as to donate their stubbly canvases for the cause. True gentlemen, that crew.

The Demo Shed is stocked with fresh 2014 gear from Roxy, Burton, Salomon, Rome Snowboards, Capita and tons more. Gnu Girls snowboards are up for grabs during wacky activities and contests. No one leaves Windells empty handed!
Sounds like your kinda summer activity too? Then book yourself a spot on one of the upcoming camps in July and August!