Get twirling those parasols and mending those paddling pools for spring is well and truly here. Woo hoo! And what better reading material for the beach, park or garden than the latest issue of Cooler? Our cover star is the UK’s most exciting young skateboarder right now – Bradford-born Lois Pendlebury.
Other issue highlights include:
– We interview the three times ASP World Tour surf champ Steph Gilmore
– We go surfing in Haiti before the earthquake struck
– We interview Aline Bock, star of the Freeride World Tour
– We go mountain biking in Nepal
– We pick the best budget late snow trips
– We interview California surf music band Best Coast
– A beginner’s guide to stargazing
– A travel guide to East London
– We pick the best ethical cleansers
– How to make an origami mobile
Plus plenty of news and views on everything from boardsports to bikes, sport & street fashion, including the best denim trends and an exclusive spring fashion shoot styled by Britta Burger and shot by cutting-edge photographer Bella Howard.
Bring it on!