Might you be the next Kathryn Bigelow? With a film on the scale of 90s epic surf bank robber heist Point Break lying dormant in your brain waiting to be unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Or would you rather create something with more core appeal such as Nike 6.0’s recent mould-shattering Leave a Message even though that was directed by a guy but you get the, ahem, message.
Either way you’re in luck because the London Surf Film Festival has put a call out for short film submissions. This could be your big break (pun fully intended!). The London Surf Film Festival takes places at Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London 13-15 October 2011 and the deadline for short film submissions is 8 August.
So what are you waiting for? Or as the great Bodhi (Patrick Swayze RIP) said, “Little hand says it’s time to rock and roll.”
For more details go to London Surf Film Festival Shorts Contest and in the meantime get shooting that footage and crafting that story.