After Jamie Anderson, also Kelly Clark managed to bag a first 5star tour win for the season 2010/11 at the halfpipe comp of the Burton New Zealand Open.
For the second consecutive year, Kelly absolutely dominated the field and won the comp with untouchable amplitude and smooth style. She already set the bar high with her first run – going against a massive frontside air into a backside 540 mute, frontside 900, method, frontside 720 and Cab 720 mute is some tough stuff against for most other girls. But new talent from Spain, Queralt Castellet, was hot on her heels and took home second place leaving Japanese rider, Soko Yamaoka in third. Although Sina Candrian (SUI) placed 16th, she moved into the TTR tour lead because she also placed 7th in yesterday’s slopestyle competition. Since not very many women competed in both disciplines, Candrian was able to nab the current tour leader position.
1 Clark Kelly USA
2 Castellet Queralt ESP
3 Yamaoka Soko JPN
4 Farrington Kaitlyn USA
5 Okada Rana JPN
6 Sadar Cilka SLO
7 Haug Linn NOR
8 Brown Kendall NZL
9 Iijima Ryoko JPN
10 Oe Hikaru JPN