

New and improved Cooler site

After our web overhaul this summer the Cooler site just got more exciting, even if we say so ourselves. Or what do you think?

Check out the new homepage, lots more on there than before. Instead of just a couple of highlights we now have all the latest posts of the various categories up there for you to click on straight away. No need to leave the homepage on a quest for something that might catch your fancy.

Our video player has new features such as the three second rewind button, slowmo, screengrab and lots more, just in case you want to analyse tricks or find out how exactly models look cool in a snow wear story shot during a heatwave.

Plus it’s got even easier for you to stalk us on our instagram, the latest updates from our glamorous lives go straight up on the site. Well worth checking out obviously since we basically spend our time jetting from fashion shoots to board tests. It’s a total myth that we even have an office, let alone one where we’re about to be buried under boxes full of clothing samples while we’re trying to make ourselves look cooler than we actually are.

So yeah, have a look on your computers, phones, tablets and let us know what you think below or on our Facebook page. The tech guys taught us how to make little changes, so suggestions are welcome.

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