You’re female, over 18 years old and you love a bit of a shred? Or maybe you are stuck in the flatlands most of the time but get some other adrenalin-pumping pastime going every now and then? Anyhow – all you need to do is capture your action sports endeavours and send them to Nikita. They will give away an all-inclusive trip to Iceland in 2010.
From 19th January 2010 until 12th March 2010 you just need to get out there and get some footage together and show Nikita how much you rock. One winner will be chosen from all the entries to fly to Iceland in May 2010. You will be greeted at Keflavik airport just outside Reykjavik and during your stay, will be escorted in and around the city centre where you’ll see the new flagship Nikita store, choose some brand new Nikita gear and get to join the Arctic Adventures peeps on an unforgettable surfing and snowboarding trip!
If this is not enough motivation for you than be advised that last year’s winner, Ashley Thornton, even got been signed up as part of the Nikita Team, USA after her magnificent trip to Iceland.
These are the hard facts:
– must be female and 18 years or over
– send in as much footage as you like but the file being e-mailed must not be bigger than 4MB
– footage will be shown through Nikita’s YouTube and Mpora pages
– deadline: 12th March 2010
– email entries to [email protected] – don’t forget to include full name, date of birth, postal address, e-mail and contact telephone number along with any other info you feel is relevant.