For the 7th time already, Oakley is summoning all the shred girls out there to Ruka, Finland on April 8-11th to compete in ultimate girls showdown that is the TTR 3star Girlsessions.
The Ruka BatteryPark is shaped to offer the perfect set up for the slope style, team contest, individual slope style and pipe competition for both snowboard and skis.
To say that last year’s winner, Enni Rukajärvi, has used this stepping stone well would be absolute understatement – she hasn’t only won the Horsefeathers Pleasure Jam at the beginning of this season but also some of the most prestigious contests on the TTR, so to say the Roxy Chicken Jam, the Burton European Open and the Burton Canadian Open. If this success story doesn’t sound tempting we don’t know what will.
Well, maybe 2500 $ prize money or the goodies of a value of about 10.000$? Or side events like bowling, theme parties and the possibility to see the mystic forests of Northern Finland, where the reindeer roam freely?
Whatever floats your boot, as an aspiring pro shred we can only advise you to check it out!