They have some of the best waves, beaches, mountains and snow parks in the world, not to mention California, the epicentre of global boardsports culture. But it wasn’t until I was watching the inauguration that I properly wished I was American. I’ve been a shameless Obama geek for about two years now, since a friend in San Francisco alerted me to his potential greatness. I’ve read his humility-laden books, am forever watching his beautifully-crafted speeches on youtube and drunkenly arguing with cynical friends over whether he can actually make a difference. And now, as the giddy whooping crowds, that I so wanted to be a part of, quieten, the moment of truth is here and we’ll get to see if he really can can make shit happen. I reckon he can. I also can’t imagine ever getting this excited about a British politician, which is depressing, but there you go.
Shepard Fairey is releasing this limited edition inauguration print at 7pm on Friday. Get it here