1) Your idea of a good day out is a trip to the Whole Foods store
Especially if they have a juice bar and organic make-up consultant

2) You buy organic…

3) You think Emma Watson is pretty badass

4) And you’ve signed up to every eco campaign under the sun

4) You think plastic bags are the devil

5) You’d much rather carry one of these

6) You aspire to fit all your trash into a single jar
Like Lauren Singer here…

7) Speaking of jars, you love Mason jars…

8) And amazing home recycling set ups
Oh god, it’s the dream!

9) This makes you want to punch someone…

10) As does this…

11) I mean, what?
12) You dream of having your own vegetable patch

13) But every time you’ve tried, it ends up like this

14) And you’re a sucker for anything that promotes saving the bees

15) Your constantly trying to make people watch The Cove and Blackfish

16) You get serious fish eating guilt…

17) If you aren’t veggie or vegan already

18) You really love spending time in nature…

19) Because it’s the best thing we’ve got

20) Why would you want to spoil it?