If you’ve been on the internet over the last few days, you’ve probably noticed the new challenge that’s going viral.
It’s called the ‘Belly Button Challenge’ where you put your arm around your back to see if you can reach and touch your belly button.
The internet has found yet another moronic way to make us feel shitty about ourselves!
It was first posted on Japanese site Weibo. Apparently if you can manage it, that means that you’re fit, if you can’t – it means you need to lose weight.
That’s right, the internet has found yet another moronic way to make us feel shitty about ourselves!

The test itself has no real medical basis. Aren’t some people just more flexible than others? Don’t people with strong cores and muscles tend to have thicker waists?
The biggest problem with it however, is it’s once again putting women against each other in a competition for one unobtainable idea of what it means to be attractive.
The challenge has already worried some organisations. The National Eating Disorder Association went on ABC News in the US to warn against putting any trust into the challenge.
“Social media challenges like these can stoke comparison and body insecurity,” explains program director Claire Mysko, “especially for those struggling with disordered eating.”

Hopefully everyone has the common sense to give the metaphorical finger to this latest body shaming trend and pay it no attention.
And FYI – at Cooler, our whole sporty, adventurous editorial team (of many different shapes and sizes) gave it a go.
We all surf, rock climb, run marathons, snowboard and more – none of us can reach our belly button.