This summer Bostonians had something to look forward to on their way to work… something that would put a smile on their faces before they knuckled down.
For four weeks, commuters in Massachusetts were awoken from the stupor of their daily commute to see billboards reclaimed by nature.
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Media Artist Brian Kane created a series of digital images on giant billboards along two highways to fit in with the surrounding landscape.
“The goal is to provide a moment of temporary relief and unexpected beauty during the daily grind of commuting,” he said.
What an awesome idea!
The images on each billboard change to coincide with the time of day.
Daytime features nature, so it’s as if you’re looking straight through the billboard to what is on the other side.
Taking a normally stressed out and overlooked moment in many people’s daily routine, and making it something special, curious, and unexpected.
At night, high-resolution images of the moon and Milky Way appear, providing a moment of tranquility when you glance up at the light polluted skyline.
With no message been flogged for once, the images have been dubbed “univertisements.”
It’s a breath of fresh air, “taking a normally stressed out and overlooked moment in many people’s daily routine, and making it something special, curious, and unexpected.”
You don’t have to buy anything. Just enjoy this moment with this incredible piece of technology
“By removing the marketing message from the advertising space, we create an unexpected moment of introspection. People are allowed to interpret an image based on their own experience, and not necessarily with the singular focus of the advertiser’s intent.”
The artist bought the billboard time for four weeks to give commuters a break from the usual onslaught of guerilla marketing.
“The nature of advertising is they’re always asking you for something or trying to sell you something, so by taking that away, it’s a relief for people.”
If anyone knows Mr. Kane, ask him to come on over here to the UK, we have a few billboards that need “unvertising!”