It’s a widely known fact that we need to stop using plastic and cut down on the waste we produce. Over 100 billion plastic bags are currently thrown away each year, with only a small fraction of that number recycled.
Plastic is not bio-degradable, once discarded they can sit in landfills for over a thousand years before breaking down and if discarded incorrectly can cause danger to many species of wildlife that mistake it for food.
No matter how much you care about the planet however, cutting out plastic and waste from your lifestyle can often seem near impossible when everything available to buy around us is sold packaged up.
Nicola and Richard, a young couple from Totnes, Devon, exasperated with the difficulty of cutting out waste, decided to move away from their inner-city life and find an alternative way of living. Now, they have opened the UK’s first ever zero waste shop, to show other people that they can do it too.