1) Skateboarding is not just for kids
More and more women are taking it up in their twenties and thirties. So what you waiting for?

2) It’s easy to cart a skateboard around…
You don’t need any special gear – just a board and yourself

3) And most cities have somewhere you can skate
If you’re lucky, your local park will look like this!

4) When you’re nowhere near the mountains or the sea, it’s just as good as surfing or snowboarding…

5) It’s a great mode of transport too…

6) Super smooth tarmac will take on a whole new meaning…

7) Although your knees will look like this…

8) And you’ll spend most of your time surrounded by teenage boys

9) But there are still a core group of girl skaters out there to hang with
You just need to know where to find them…

10) Even when you’ve got kids yourself, there’s no excuse for not joining in…

11) It’s a great excuse to visit Barcelona and California

12) And spend your days musing over which deck to buy…

13) Yes, you will hurt yourself over and over again…

14) But if this little lady can do it, so can you!