The last thing many people want to think about when it comes to snowboarding is warming up. Actually, no, the last thing anybody wants to think about is what they drunkenly did with the sweaty Glaswegian they met at The Scotland Yard pub, but after that it’s warming up for a day on the slopes.
But do you know what’s really good? Snowboarding. And do you know what’s really shit? Not snowboarding because you’ve hurt yourself. And warming up before heading out for a day of arsing about on snow can significantly reduce the risk of you tweaking your arse when you should be tweaking your method.
10 Best Snowboards For Beginners – 2017
But fear not, for GB Park and Pipe snowboarder and Olympian Aimee Fuller is on hand to take you through a perfect warm up for the slopes. Hell, this is probably a good warm-up for skiing, as well as snowboarding. Come on in, plank-fans, the water’s warm.
Aimee goes through this six minute bodyweight routine before she hits the slopes, and if it’s good enough for one of our best snowboarders, chances are it’ll do you some good as well. And the best part is, aside from a yoga mat (which, if push comes to shove, you could use your hotel duvet in lieu of a mat) there’s absolutely no equipment needed.