Next up in our series of image makers is makeup artist Anne Sophie Costa, who just shot a crazily colourful swimwear story with us over the weekend (out on April 30 so still top secret) and was also responsible for the super cool makeup in our first winter story of the season.
Interview by Britta Burger
You told me you used to make money riding horses, how come you ended up being a makeup artist?
I was a professional show jumper when I was younger and so was my brother. Every single weekend we’d be at a competition. It was hard work moving around countries, between Portugal and Spain, every single weekend. Then I moved to Lisbon to study graphic design and didn’t have my horses with me, so I had to focus more on my graphic design studies. In the last year of my course I was invited by Portugal’s top make up artist Joana Moreira to be her assistant. It was such a surprise. She invited me to go to fashion week with her, and to take a course if I liked it. I obviously loved it! But when I found out how much the course was I didn’t have the courage to ask my mom for the money. She was already paying my graphic design course. The make up artist kept calling me for six months, and one day when she called my mom was at my place and found out about the whole story. She told me: “If she keeps calling you for that long, she might have seen something in you. I am going to pay for the course, and let’s not talk about it anymore.”
What do you miss most about Portugal?
I miss the country life! I miss my horses, my dogs, my motorbike, the ocean, the bikini days with my friends on the beach. The sun, the HOT weather, the summer clothes, ice creams! The HEALTHY FOOD that’s super cheap. I miss my family, friends. My beach house… oh well… I bet you can guess very easily where I’ll be going for my holidays!
Do you think the country you grew up in influences your work, or are you more influenced by Dalston?
I think that the country where I grew up helped me to dig more about everything in the world. To be more aware. But East London definitely inspires me so much more for my work!
Are you a hipster?
I follow my heart, and my taste. What you see is what I really am. I don’t buy anything just because it’s trendy or someone else has it. I buy something just because it’s me and I really identify with it. And I listen to music that I really like not because it’s en vogue. I don’t do things just because everybody does.
What makeup look will be the biggest trend this summer?
Eyes are the focus, coloured liner, jewelled lids and extra long lashes.
Or matte lips!!
What’s the worst makeup mistake people make?
There are a few… But one of it is non matching foundation. It’s not very nice to see a face with a different colour from the rest of the body.
How would you describe your style as a makeup artist?
Quite tricky this question. I am a Taurus. And as a taurus I like pretty things. I would describe my style as leaving everything quite pretty even if the look is very rough or edgy.
How would you describe your personal style?
I get very inspired by vintage clothes. I am definitely a vintage person. Even if I buy new collections they are always inspired by vintage clothes. I am very 70s, 80s and 90s. And sometimes a bit 2000!
Also check out her blog